






Sound Healing is a set of integrated, non-invasive therapies that make use of the benefits of sound and vibratory energy to bring balance and harmony to the body. It serves as complement to Traditional Chinese Medicine healing practices. It takes a holistic, whole body approach to health and well-being.


The use of tuning forks is one such modality of Sound therapy. Based on the principle that the cells of our bodies resonate at specific frequencies, tuning fork treatments aim to bring the body into harmony with the universal frequencies of the world around us. During the sound healing treatment, the tuning forks are placed over various acupuncture points or areas of pain, or on specific Chakras. As the sounds reverberate over these points; the vibrations move throughout the body, resonating with the one’s innate frequencies and harmonizing with their physical and emotional energy fields.


By balancing the body at such a fundamental level, tuning fork treatments generate a deeper state of inner harmony and calm. It also helps reveal deeply rooted feelings and stimulates emotional growth. Because of these calming, harmonizing benefits, Sound Healing modalities are being used to treat a variety of ailments, including depression and anxiety, as well as difficulties with concentration and sleep.